As a result of my adding some info about our Cash family connection to this Family History blog, I was contacted by Kathy Shea, to whom we are related through the Cash line on her mother's side. Bottom line: I was able to determine that she's another long-lost cousin!
This brings us to a current total of seven new cousins we've been able to connect with as a result of starting this Family History project. Hooray!
◄ Kathy sent me this photo of the headstone of W.G. and Mollie (Mary Elizabeth) Cash, my generation's GG grandparents.
Their gravesite is at Belmont Ridge Cemetery in Belmont County, Ohio, as are many other graves of our ancestral Cash family. (Click on photos to enlarge them.)

William Galen Cash was an interesting character in our ancestral Cash family.
◄ The reverse side of this picture from our uncle DeRand Jones' archive says, "Taken on front steps at home of W.G. Cash near Belmont Ridge [Ohio]". It also notes that those in the picture are:
■ W.G. Cash (pointing)
■ His wife, Mollie [Mary Elizabeth] Cash (under W.G.'s extended arm)
■ Their daughter, Leona Cash Jones (in front of Mollie)
■ Leona's husband, Fleetwood Churchill Jones (in front of Leona)
■ Leona and Fleet's son, Carleton D. Jones (the boy to Leona's right)
■ W.G. and Mollie's daughter, Dessie Cash Spencer (seated)
■ W.G. and Mollie's daughter, Mottie Cash Noll (seated)
It's unclear as to why neither Guy Spencer nor Will(iam) Noll, Dessie and Mottie's husbands, are in this photo. However, it may be that even though their married names were noted on the photo, they weren't yet married when it was taken.Since Carleton was born in 1895 and appears to be about five years old here, this photo appears to be circa 1900.

◄ The back of this photo lists the following people:
■ W.G. and Mollie Cash (seated)
■ Will and Mottie Noll (standing on right), also Hurd (their son, seated in front)
■ Leona [Cash] Jones (standing on left) and Mary [Jones] (the girl with the doll in front of W.G. and Molly)
■ Pauline Cash (the girl sitting in front next to Hurd)
Hurd (J. Hurd) Noll was Will and Mottie's only child, born in 1901. Pauline Cash was W.G. and Mollie's great niece, daughter of their nephew, Thomas Ellwood Cash. She was the sister of Henry Stanley Cash (see below) and was born about 1904.
Mary Jones was Leona and Fleetwood's daughter and was born in 1907. She appears to be about six years old here, so this photo appears to be circa 1913.

A Mystery Solved
◄ Because I could find no reference to Henry Stanley Cash anywhere in his archive, this photo of him from DeRand's collection was a mystery to me until I was contacted by Kathy Shea. Kathy provided me with extensive Cash family genealogy info, including info about Henry. With Kathy's info I have been able to assemble a matrix (below) showing where he fits into our ancestral family. (Thanks, Kathy!)
As shown in the matrix, he was a second cousin to my generation's grandfather, Carleton D. Jones - and was my generation's 2nd cousin, 2 x removed. (The 2 x removed refers to the fact that there are two extra generations between my generation and Jonathan Cash as compared to Henry.)

◄ This is the reverse side of the photo above. Sadly, Henry Stanley Cash, born in 1896, died on November 24th, Thanksgiving day, 1910, at age 14. His grave is also at Belmont Ridge Cemetery.The photo was made into a postcard, but never mailed - a practice in that era that I've seen elsewhere in our uncle DeRand's archive. The notation of Carleton's name appears to have been made on the copy of the postcard designated for Carleton, leading me to believe that copies were made for family members and labeled for distribution.
◄ Here's the matrix that shows Henry's lineage and the relationship between him and Carleton Jones.
(Click on it to enlarge it. In Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, clicking twice makes it readable.)
Last updated: 6/30/2010