Jonathan Sr. was my generation's maternal GGG grandfather. This matrix illustrates the family connections between the people named both in the article and elsewhere on this page and my generation. (Click to enlarge it.)

Here are photos of some of the people named above:

◄ George W. Cash, Sr., family,
Hopedale, Ohio, 1951*
George Jr., Betty, James R,
George Sr., Mildred
◄ George Sr. & Mildred
(Klingensmith) Cash,
Hopedale, Ohio, 1951*
*Source: Kathy Shea's family tree
Received from Cash cousin Kathy Shea:
"…I became acquainted with Joyce Cash Mencer when I went in search of Cashes who were still living in Ohio. Joyce seems to be the family historian for the Cashes there and she’s provided a wealth of information. She, in turn, introduced me to David Cash, who descends from George Wesley [Cash]."
"Attached is an interesting article I got from our “new cousin,” David Cash. Note the reference to the 1,000 acres! How come I can’t find any record of that land?!?"
Forwarded by Kathy Shea:
From: [Cash cousin] David Cash
To: [Cash cousin] Joyce Mencer
Cc: [Kathy Shea]
Subject: Cash Historic Homestead
"In preparing the photos for you today, I found that I had a copy of the Freeport Press, 7/29/1937 which had an article about 'Ohio's Oldest Homestead Farm.'
In addition I found a photo of the ox yoke that my grandfather, GW Cash Jr. had hung in their home. He turned it into a chandelier and I now realize what this was!
The article below can be enlarged by clicking it twice to make it bigger, and I've also transcribed it to make its content easier to read:
(Freeport (Ohio) Press, July 29th,1937)The article below can be enlarged by clicking it twice to make it bigger, and I've also transcribed it to make its content easier to read:
Ohio’s Oldest
Homestead Farm Is
Near Piedmont
“The historic homestead, owned and operated by Geo. W. Cash of Piedmont, is now in possession of the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District.
This is the only farm in Belmont County, and the oldest in Ohio with a United States Homestead Deed. It was settled by Jonathan Cash, Sr. in 1830, and has remained in the Cash family ever since without changing hands by sale.
In 1830 the Pioneer Cash secured 1000 acres of dense forest. On the farm is the oldest log barn in the community, built in 1831, with whiskey absolutely tabooed. It is still in good serviceable condition.
A geological survey showed an old Indian camp and burial ground, which have been of interest to hundreds of school children and others. A Gilead tree planted by the Old Pioneer is now six feet in diameter and still rigorous. A sugar camp of 250 trees, some with a diameter of 8½ feet, and cared for as an heirloom, must go. Hickory nut trees of five different varieties were planted by Jonathan Cash, Jr. Two specimens have taken prizes, [one] being the largest, and the other the smallest thin-shelled nut in the state of Ohio.
When the farm was settled the nearest neighbor lived nine miles away.
The ox yoke used in the work of clearing the land is still in Mr. Geo Cash’s possession. It bears the date '1834'.
The old landmark [the farm] must now go in order to protect that part of the population that chose to build in the lowlands.”
Please refer to the disclaimer on the index page of this blog for a statement regarding the accuracy of - and documentation for - the information presented in this blog.
Last revised March 9, 2011
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