The photo is not dated, but if you guess they are about age 60, that would mean this photo would be circa 1878. If you guess them to be about age 70, the photo would be circa 1888.
Either way, it is - so far - the oldest family photo to which I've been able to attach names in the collection that my generation’s uncle DeRand Jones passed on to us. It appears to be in the range of 120 to 130 years old.
(Click photos to enlarge 'em.)
◄ In this portrait of Dennis he appears to be about the same age as the one above, so I'm guessing it's also circa 1878-1888.
The note on the back says, "Grandpa Anderson" and includes his name.
Following are transcriptions of an obituary and memoriam for him; they'd have been published in January, 1890.
Dennis P. Anderson was born in Culpepper county, Va., July 16, 1819. He came with his parents to Ohio when about thirteen years of age. In his sixteenth year he was converted and joined the church at Sewellsville, and continued a devoted member of the same until his death, which occurred Jan. 6, 1890.
Dennis P. Anderson was born in Culpepper county, Va., July 16, 1819. He came with his parents to Ohio when about thirteen years of age. In his sixteenth year he was converted and joined the church at Sewellsville, and continued a devoted member of the same until his death, which occurred Jan. 6, 1890.
In April, 1849, he was married to Margaret Bonar, of Marshall County, W. Va. To them four children were born, the Rev. James W., of the Southwest Kansas Conference, Mary, Nannie and Ella, all of whom are worthy members of the church.
Bro. Anderson from early in his Christian life held some official position in the church, and at the time of his death was an efficient class-leader. In his death the church loses a faithful member and devoted official, and his family a kind husband and loving father. In his last moments his faith held strongly to the foundation on which he had builded in life, and his triumph over death was complete.
- S. P. LOYD
A Good Man Gone
Dennis P. Anderson, who died at his home near Sewellesville, January 6, 1890, was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, July 16, 1819. His parents, James and Nancy Anderson, emigrated to Ohio, about the year 1832, and was (sic) among the, pioneers of Methodism in eastern Ohio. They settled on Lickrun Valley in Kirkwood township, and followed the occupation of farming for a number of years.
Brother Dennis enjoyed the advantages of early religious training, and joined the M.E. Church in 1835, in the sixteenth year of his age and remained a consistent and devoted member of the church until the Master said, "it is enough, come up higher."
In April 1849 he was married to Margaret Boner (sic), of Marshall county, W. Va. To them, one son and three daughters were born - James W., Mary, Nannie and Ella, all of whom are grown up and are worthy members of the church. The son, James W., is an acceptable minister of the gospel and has been actively engaged in the itinerant work in eastern and southern Kansas for eleven years.
For many years past Brother Anderson's greatest ambition was to serve God acceptably and to persuade others to become religious. Of his religious life, however, and Christian experience, his pastor can speak more at length in his obituary notice, which will be published in due time.
In his death the church looses (sic) one of her best members, the community a good citizen, and the bereaved ones a kind husband and loving father. The funeral ceremonies took place at Sewellsville on the 9th, conducted by Rev. Smith, of Fairview, assisted by Revs. Cash and Reynolds.
The bereaved widow, and all the relatives have the sympathy of the community, in their deep affliction.“Servant of God well done
Thy glorious warfare's past
The battle fought, the victory won
And thou art crowned at last."

Bro. Anderson from early in his Christian life held some official position in the church, and at the time of his death was an efficient class-leader. In his death the church loses a faithful member and devoted official, and his family a kind husband and loving father. In his last moments his faith held strongly to the foundation on which he had builded in life, and his triumph over death was complete.
- S. P. LOYD
A Good Man Gone
Dennis P. Anderson, who died at his home near Sewellesville, January 6, 1890, was born in Culpepper county, Virginia, July 16, 1819. His parents, James and Nancy Anderson, emigrated to Ohio, about the year 1832, and was (sic) among the, pioneers of Methodism in eastern Ohio. They settled on Lickrun Valley in Kirkwood township, and followed the occupation of farming for a number of years.
Brother Dennis enjoyed the advantages of early religious training, and joined the M.E. Church in 1835, in the sixteenth year of his age and remained a consistent and devoted member of the church until the Master said, "it is enough, come up higher."
In April 1849 he was married to Margaret Boner (sic), of Marshall county, W. Va. To them, one son and three daughters were born - James W., Mary, Nannie and Ella, all of whom are grown up and are worthy members of the church. The son, James W., is an acceptable minister of the gospel and has been actively engaged in the itinerant work in eastern and southern Kansas for eleven years.
For many years past Brother Anderson's greatest ambition was to serve God acceptably and to persuade others to become religious. Of his religious life, however, and Christian experience, his pastor can speak more at length in his obituary notice, which will be published in due time.
In his death the church looses (sic) one of her best members, the community a good citizen, and the bereaved ones a kind husband and loving father. The funeral ceremonies took place at Sewellsville on the 9th, conducted by Rev. Smith, of Fairview, assisted by Revs. Cash and Reynolds.
The bereaved widow, and all the relatives have the sympathy of the community, in their deep affliction.“Servant of God well done
Thy glorious warfare's past
The battle fought, the victory won
And thou art crowned at last."

◄ This photo is labeled on the back, “Old Anderson homestead, under water T.V.A.”
There’s no info provided about the identities of the people, the location, or the date of this picture. However, based upon the other photos where people are identified, it appears that the bearded man in the middle and the woman on his left (our right as we look at the photo) are Dennis and Margaret.
If that’s correct, this photo has to be at least 120 years old, for he died in 1890. And, during this era our maternal ancestral family was centered in Belmont County, Ohio, so that's where this homestead would have been.
The use of the word "homestead' on the photo is interesting, for Ohio had only become a state in 1803, and the settlers actually "homesteaded" the land when it became available. Thus, this may have been a place where our ancestral Anderson family originally built a log cabin, cleared the land, dealt with Indian battles, hunted for their food, and so on. For more about pioneer life in Ohio, click on this site.
The reference to the T.V.A. on the back of this photo appears to be about the Tennessee Valley Authority, which was created in the 1930s. What I’ve learned about this "under water" comment is that in the 1940s, the government acquired acreage in the area for public works projects, and that appears to be the reason this area would have later become under water.
How the Andersons Fit Into Our Family Tree:
Nancy Perkins Anderson, born about 1792, married the Rev. James Anderson, who was born about 1789, according to the genealogy info assembled by our uncle DeRand;
Their son, Dennis Parrot Anderson (1819-1890), married Margaret Skinner Bonar Anderson (1818-1902);
Their daughter, Mary Elizabeth “Mollie” Anderson Cash (1852-1927), married William Galen Cash (1847-1916);
Their daughter, Leona Cash Jones (1873-1957), married Fleetwood Churchill Jones (1857-1937);
Their son, Carleton Duane Jones, (1895-1967) married Nelle Virginia Field Jones (1899-1976);
They were the parents of Fleeta Claire Jones Dunn (b. 1921), Paul Wesley Jones (1922-1990), DeRand Jones (1927-2002) and Virginia Lee “Ginger” Jones Rogers Shawver Field Hemsley Pecaro (1928-1988).
Claire, Paul and Ginger were/are the parents of my generation. DeRand had no children.
Carleton and Nelle were my generation's maternal grandparents;
Leona and Fleet were our great grandparents;
Mollie and William G. Cash were our GG grandparents;
Dennis and Margaret Anderson were our GGG grandparents, and;
Nancy and James Anderson were my generation's GGGG grandparents.
Photos and stories about those named above are in DeRand’s family history archive and are - or will be - covered elsewhere in this blog.
Last revised 8/18/2010
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